Things To Know About Microdosing

People are most commonly micro-dosing with LSD and psilocybin mushrooms.

Although some other people are micro-dosing with like ayahuasca or ibogaine or mescaline, which is in peyote, the Microdose scene is when you take a low amount of a psychedelic usually 1/10 of a standard dose, and you do it twice per week for a period of two to three months. A lot of the benefits that people are noticing have to do with improving creativity, our sense of focus a better sense of general well-being. So a lot of people who have clinical depression are looking at it as an antidepressant. A lot of the risks are around lack of infrastructure. We have commanders and say those are like is the substance you’re taking actually what you think it is a lot of people will sometimes take a little bit too much and go to work the first day. The thing to know about microdosing is that if people Microdose Magic Mushrooms that they do it in a very comfortable study, the results aren’t guaranteed.

The things to know about Microdosing Magic Mushroom:

There was a individual survey conducted that they have great nootropic benefits. I think this is particular to your situation or my situation, whatever is doing it, so these are generally reported benefits. But in terms of the clinical research that we have, we still are getting that I think it’s different for every individual, so it’s essential to monitor it closely. The first thing to watch is like your energy levels and your sleep levels because sometimes, if your micro doesn’t too much, it can cause enough stress that would keep you awake. You also want to monitor your feelings. If you get feelings of anxiety, a lot of people who are getting into it have gone into general anxiety, and that sometimes accentuates them. The best thing to do is to generally journal write maybe two or three minutes and also like when you go into that understand why you’re doing it. For me, there are two main avenues for future research as effective at helping to treat clinical issues like depression treatment-resistant depression and helping maybe with addiction or PTSD. The other thing is the intersection of LSD micro-dosing and creativity. I think those two areas of research. Below is a link to an individual self experimenting with Microdosing during the Covid-19 pandemic: